GPL Podcast Feed

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Podcast Voicemail!

I want to try something new with the podcast.

I've realized that I have a voicemail box with Skype that people can access 24 hours a day. There's no ringing phone on this line, so you could call any time without bothering anybody!

I encourage you to leave a message for the podcast. Talk about anything: politics, the weather, how much you worship me, whatever! Jenna and I will pick calls to play and respond to on the podcast. I can even mask the voices of anyone who requests to remain anonymous. Otherwise, be sure to introduce yourself properly if you want to be identified.

The phone number to call is (414)455-5428. I really hope that we'll hear from bloggers, politicians, and regular listeners.

This has the potential to be really cool, so help me out in spreading the word!

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